Start using Julia#

See Julia in Visual Studio Code for details.


Running Julia in VS Code#

Julia extension will be automatically activated upon opening a Julia file (*.jl).

You can open the command pallete (Ctrl + Shift + P in windows) and search “Julia” for available commands and keyboard shortcuts. The most used on is Shift + Enter: to execute the current selected line.

Package management in Julia#

Pkg in Julia docs

In regular environments Project.toml and Manifest.toml describe the dependencies.

Install packages#

In the Julia script

using Pkg

# Function form

# Or use Pkg's special strings
pkg"add Plots"

In the Julia REPL:

] add Plots

See installed packages#

using Pkg

# Or
pkg"st" # pkg"status"

In the Julia REPL:

] st

Remove packages#

using Pkg

# Or
pkg"rm Plots"
] rm Plots

Update installed packages#

using Pkg

# Or
pkg"up" # pkg"update"

Create / Use a environment#

using Pkg

# Activate environment in the foldername directory

# Or activate the current working directory
# current_project() is a little bit misleading
# since it actually looks for available Project.toml file

# Install the packages according to the environment

# If the above failed, try this