Rules for programming homeworks#

Format for Coding assignments#

We (TA and Prof.) currently accept code in

  • Python (*.py)

  • Julia (*.jl)

  • Jupyter Notebooks (*.ipynb) with either Python or Julia code

Please also tell us about the runtime environment (e.g. Python/Julia version, and packages). Providing dependency files is encouraged (e.g. requirements.txt for pip / environment.yml for conda / Project.toml and Manifest.toml for Julia). Reproducibility matters.

Uploading your assignments#

  • Please upload your assignments to the assignment section in NTU COOL (

  • Please upload other parts (text, math expressions, figures) along with the code if needed. NTU COOL supports uploading multiple files at once so you don’t have to archive them.

  • Please make sure your files and links are valid (by downloading and open again). Broken ones will receive no credit.

  • Contact TA by e-mail if you have technical problems. (cannot access NTU COOL, cannot upload assignments, etc.)

Getting scores#

You will receive full credit if and only if the output is correct and your code is able to reproduce it.

  • Wrong numbers / figures due to slight bugs in the code = partial credit.

  • No code or spaghetti code that TA/Prof. cannot reproduce = no credit.

  • Late HW = no credit. (However, if you really have difficulties finishing the HW by the due date, please contact us beforehand.)