Homework 1: Solving an ODE#

Given an ordinary differential equation:

\[ \frac{d}{dt}x(t) = 1 - x(t) \]

with initial condition \(x(t=0)=0.0\)

Part 1: Julia’s ODE solver#

Please solve the ODE using OrdinaryDiffEq.jl (optionally ModelingToolkit.jl) for \(t \in [0, 5]\) and plot the time series. Compare it to the analytical solution in one plot.

Part 2: The forward Euler method#

Please try a range of time steps (e.g. from 0.1 to 1.5) to solve the ODE using the (home-made) forward Euler method for \(t \in [0.0, 5.0]\), plot the time series, and compare them to the analytical solution in one plot. In which way are dts related to accuracy?

About the forward Euler method

We plot the trajectory as a straight line locally. In each step, the next state variables (\(\vec{u}_{n+1}\)) is accumulated by the time step (dt) multiplied the derivative ( slope) at the current state (\(\vec{u}_{n}\)):

\[ \vec{u}_{n+1} = \vec{u}_{n} + dt \cdot f(\vec{u}_{n}, t_{n}) \]

The ODE model. Exponential decay in this example

function model(u, p, t)
    return 1 .- u[1]
model (generic function with 1 method)

Forward Euler method

euler(model, u, p, t, dt) = u .+ dt .* model(u, p, t)
euler (generic function with 1 method)

The home-grown ODE solver

function mysolve(model, u0, tspan, p; dt=0.1, method=euler)
    # Time points
    ts = tspan[begin]:dt:tspan[end]
    # States at those time points
    us = zeros(length(ts), length(u0))
    # Initial conditions
    us[1, :] .= u0
    # Iterations in a for loop
    for i in 1:length(ts)-1
        us[i+1, :] .= method(model, us[i, :], p, ts[i], dt)
    # Return results
    return (t = ts, u = us)
mysolve (generic function with 1 method)

Time span, parameter(s), and initial condition(s)

tspan = (0.0, 5.0)
p = nothing
u0 = 0.0

Solve the problem

sol = mysolve(model, u0, tspan, p, dt=1.0, method=euler)
(t = 0.0:1.0:5.0, u = [0.0; 1.0; … ; 1.0; 1.0;;])

Analytical solution

analytical(t) = 1 - exp(-t)
analytical (generic function with 1 method)


using Plots

plot(sol.t, sol.u, label="FE method")
plot!(analytical, sol.t[begin], sol.t[end], label = "Analytical solution", linestyle=:dash)

Part 3: The RK4 method#

  1. Please try a range of dts to solve the ODE using the (home-grown) fourth order Runge-Kutta (RK4) method for \(t \in [0.0, 5.0]\), plot the time series, and compare them to the analytical solution in one plot. In which way are dts related to accuracy?

  2. Compared to the forward Euler method, which one is more accurate for the same dt? Please make a visual comparison by plotting the analytical solution, Euler’s solution, and RK4’s solution together.

About the RK4 method

We use 4 additional intermediate steps to eliminate some of the nonlinear (higher order) errors in the integration. In each iteration, the next state \(\vec{u}_{n+1}\) is:

\[\begin{split} \begin{align} k_1 &= dt \cdot f(\vec{u}_{n}, t_n) \\ k_2 &= dt \cdot f(\vec{u}_{n} + 0.5k_1, t_n + 0.5dt) \\ k_3 &= dt \cdot f(\vec{u}_{n} + 0.5k_2, t_n + 0.5dt) \\ k_4 &= dt \cdot f(\vec{u}_{n} + k_3, t_n + dt) \\ \vec{u}_{n+1} &= \vec{u}_{n} + \frac{1}{6}(k_1 + 2k_2 + 2k_3 + k_4) \end{align} \end{split}\]

Hint: you can replace the Euler method with the RK4 one to reuse the mysolve() function.

# Forward Euler stepper
euler(model, u, p, t, dt) = u .+ dt .* model(u, p, t)
# Your RK4 stepper
function rk4(model, u, p, t, dt)
    # calculate k1, k2, k3, and k4
    next = u .+ (k1 .+ 2k2 .+ 2k3 .+ k4) ./ 6
    return next

sol = mysolve(model, u0, tspan, p, dt=1.0, method=rk4)

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