Fig 4.22

Fig 4.22#

Tangent line.

Using ForwardDiff to calculate the derivative (slope of the tangent) on a curve.

using ForwardDiff
using Plots

The curve

f = x -> 3 / (x-2)
#1 (generic function with 1 method)

slope and y intercept for x = 4

slope = ForwardDiff.derivative(f, 4)
yintercept = f(4)
g = x -> slope * (x - 4) + yintercept

fig = plot(title="Fig 4.22")
plot!(fig, f, 2.2, 8.0, lab="Curve")
plot!(fig, g, 2.7, 5.3, lab="Tangent line")
plot!(fig, xlabel="Reaction rate", ylabel="Inhibitor concentration",
      xlims=(2., 8.), ylims=(0., 4.)

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